Reddish brown = you need to change the fluid.
I wrote at length on this somewhere, as g00se notes, changing it is a process
If the oil is always changed regularly: no problem, as it's always clean.
If not, some people leave it - but this will wear everything faster: not good, and will eventually fail going up some hill in the middle of nowhere, when it's raining.
The first fluid change is a very severe 'hit' for the gearbox as it cleans like a machine polisher on speed.
I did this with mine - after 10 miles I changed it, as it was evil !!
You then need to change it every so often, I would say for a badly neglected box
1st change new DXIII Synthetic (check level while idling)
Drive 10 miles
Change it again, measure how much comes out (3L ish), replace that amount.
Drive 50 miles
Change it again
Drive 100 miles
change it again
Repeat as required:
Drive 200 miles
Change it again
Each time you empty it, look and smell, once it comes out as cherryade (as it goes in!!), smelling the same as it went in, it's clean, and you have restored your gearbox, as best you can, without a clever man taking it to bits
You may not need to do all the steps, base it on how the old oil looks when you take it all out
Whether to drop the sump and change the gauze filter?
I've never seen a filter clogged, even a little bit, as they are gauze, and big bits are not in the oil, so personally I don't consider this is required.
.. unless you find big bits in the oil when you empty it!