Hey members, am new at this forum and I hope to get some help.
I got a 2001 Super custom, am based in Dubai and I want to have serious work on in.
Unfortunately there are no qualified garages here with knowledge on this car. The thing is in Dubai the hiace is used like the work horse, only as a transporter. and most of the garages concentrate on American muscle cars, Japanese rally cars or the European Exotics. that's why most of the homework I have to do myself. so that once I approach the garage I just need their labor. otherwise what am trying to do has never been attempted before. that's why i need to be ready with all the parts. all they have to do is bolt it in
Either way. mine is a non 4wd automatic gear transmission(A45DL). i like the idea about the lexus 1UZ i would actually hook it up with its transmission if i would make it better. my engine is a weak 2RZ-E. I want to have the whole engine rebuild to give more power out put. theres is no reliable info online. most people suggest swapping the engine with a supra, some say the Landcruiser and recently I found a post talking about the Lexus.
I believe this is the place to get the right info since most of yall have worked on similar projects.
My plan is to have it build and I will import it here and have it mounted on the car.
[b]Youtube Toyota HIACE with 2jz supra Engine
I hope I can find someone who can help me work on this project. and am willing to buy the parts and have the engine built for me. Thanks you all